Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Online Documentaries

Getting funding from documentaries is a hard task, and only a select few become hits and make reasonable profits. Super Size Me made a grossed a total of $20, 641, 054, and this is the 11th most successful documentary to date. Websites such as youtube have offered opportunities for many armature documentaries relating to special interest such as the one below. It also offers an outlet to individuals who feel their voices aren't being heard and want to express themselves. Many people have experience their 15 minutes of fame through posting a video blog, skit, or documentary on youtube. The large man dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies actually made his way onto the Tyra Banks show, and even performed live on stage at Beyonce's concert. And even more recently Justin Bieber was discovered by Usher online and now he is a teen heart throb.

One of the more bizarre cases would be Chris Crocker who became famous for his 'leave Britany alone' video which defended Britany Spear's VMA comeback performance. This was played on many talk shows including fox news, Maury Povich, and the Jimmy Kimmel show. He has now recorded and sells songs on itunes and is hired to endorse products that relate to Britany. Youtube offers people an outlet to voice their opinions for free. It almost puts a new meaning to freedom of speech.

Documentaries and video blogs offer knowledge. It may be one persons point of view that they have recorded on their iPhone in their bedroom, or a social activist like Michael Moore opening the eyes of viewers to a social, environmental, but most of the time a political issue. The more information that is out there the better it is for the consumer. They are able to take in as much as they can and form an educated decision.

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